Jump In Faith Ministries

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Jump In Faith Ministries (JIFM) is a charitable organizations known under the United Stated Federal statue as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are a fully faith-based organization, deeply rooted in Christ’s teachings, and driven by a divine mission to provide assistance to disadvantaged orphaned children in Haiti. Situated in the heart of Haiti, this remarkable organization was founded by the compassionate Pastor Larry E. Jumper, whose unwavering faith inspired him and his wife, Francine, to establish an orphanage dedicated to nurturing and supporting the neglected and abandoned little souls of Haiti. Guided by the principles of love, compassion, and a deep connection with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the orphanage operates as a haven for these vulnerable little children in Haiti.


Within the walls of the orphanage, these precious children find solace and security. They receive not only the basic necessities of life, such as housing, food, healthcare, and education, but also the vital emotional and spiritual guidance required to lead fulfilling lives. The orphanage accommodates a maximum of 20 to 25 children, predominantly under the age of 5. However, in recognition of the urgent needs of those facing life-threatening circumstances, we are prepared to open our doors to them as well. Children may remain in our care until they reach the age of 18 or complete their education. For those who choose to pursue higher education, such as college, the orphanage continues to provide a nurturing environment, provided they abide by the rules and remain focused on their studies.

In addition to the orphanage, JIFM has established a community center designed to uplift and empower the children in the surrounding neighborhood. This center serves as an educational hub, offering tutoring services and dedicated teachers who strive to provide a quality education to all children. We also organize Bible studies and arrange various activities to cater to the spiritual needs of the community, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness.

Our vision extends far beyond the orphanage and community center. We envision the establishment of a church that will serve as a unifying force, bringing the entire community together in Christ’s love. This church will be a welcoming sanctuary where individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of their background, will find acceptance and solace. Our aim is to create an environment that fosters worship, where individuals can bask in the presence of God, hear His word, and truly comprehend the transformative message of Jesus Christ. We extend an open invitation to everyone, encouraging them to embrace Jesus as their Savior and avail themselves of the opportunity for eternal life.

At JIFM, we place great importance on cultivating a non-judgmental and respectful atmosphere. We firmly believe that every individual deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion, regardless of their past or present circumstances. Our aspiration is to build a church family rooted in the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, where individuals can find unwavering support, a sense of belonging, and a community driven by unconditional love.

Driven by our deep-rooted commitment to make a positive impact in the lives of these children and the community as a whole, we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to the cause. Through our orphanage, community center, and church, we aim to bring hope, healing, and spiritual guidance to those in dire need. With the grace of God and the unwavering support of generous donors and dedicated volunteers, we firmly believe that together, we can create a significant and lasting difference in the lives of the children and the entire community of Haiti.

Francine with some of the Children